The Vote Choices are Clear Today!

Posted on November 2, 2010. Filed under: Activism, Conservative, government, Politics | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Our Nation is uniting as never seen in many decades.  People are making a clear choice of what America stands for, and what the people will do to protect her.   Over the past two years, a concerted effort has been made by the liberals to dismantle the republic and it’s foundation.   The liberals have shown the people of America, they will strive to achieve the socialist agenda regardless of what Americans may think.

I ask you to consider the choice of socialism versus liberty as we go to the polls today.  The liberal left is who needs to be replaced this election.  We must do this to stop the quickstep to become a fully socialistic society.  In the next season of elections, we will be able to replace any elected officials who choose not to listen to the people.   It is imperative we all vote a straight conservative ticket in this particular election.  We are so near the “edge of the cliff”, that without a conservative majority……they will be able to complete their agenda.

Many of you have already voted.  If you have voted, please continue calling people to get out the vote.  We have all endured indignities at the hands of these people.  They have called us liars, cheaters, 4 letter words, and even accused us of wanting to hurt minorities!  They have no shame.  It is not possible to for these liberal politicians to stand on their issues, as those principles are not what America embraces as a nation.

Finally, I would like to reiterate two critical things that need to happen on this historical day.  Be vigilant.  Pay attention at the polls and in the surrounds outside.  If you witness evidence of voter intimidation, report it.   And most importantly, I’d like to reach out to all the Christians in this great nation.   We all need to pray for this country and for those people that would choose to tear it apart. 

In God we Trust!

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