Why my vote is for Ted Cruz as US Senator

Posted on July 17, 2012. Filed under: 2012, Conservative, Elections, Politics, US Senate | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Is there any doubt that America’s Constitution is under attack?  For decades, the power and intent of the Constitution have been whittled away by liberals and others who do not value the foundation of this country.  For that reason,  we must send constitutional conservatives to Washington.  This is not the time to send people who do not have the experience defending the constitution.  It is not the time to send a person who needs to use this as a learning experience for the first couple of years.

Ted Cruz, does not just talk the talk.  He has exhibited a willingness to defend the constitution and liberty for all Americans on multiple occasions.  He is the freedom fighter we must send to Washington.  I’ve listed my reasons below, why my vote will be cast for Ted Cruz.

1.  Defended US Sovereignty

Successfully represented Texas before the U.S. Supreme Court in Medellin v. Texas, which upheld U.S. sovereignty and held that the World Court cannot bind the United States justice system and the President cannot order the state courts to obey the World Court.

2.  He has defended our second amendment right to bear arms

Ted authored a brief on behalf of 31 states supporting the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. The ban on firearms was struck down in a 5-4 landmark  decision before the U.S. Supreme Court?

3.  Ted Cruz fought to defend our religious freedom.

Successfully defended the constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument, winning in a 5-4 landmark decision before the U.S. Supreme Court, setting an important national precedent for the right to display similar monuments.

4.  The Tenth Amendment is one of the keys to preserving the balance and vision for our countr

y by the founding fathers.  For years, Ted has defended this key amendment.

Tenth Amendment language:  The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution’s principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved to the States or the people.

Ted Cruz has consistently championed the 10th amendment, speaking and writing nationally on the virtues of federalism and why excessive regulation and federal government intrusion threaten to destroy America’s free-market economy and the American Dream.

5.  Ted opposed the TSA groping at airports

This is an invasion of privacy, that Mr. Cruz’s opponent was afraid to tackle.  Cruz said that we should look to Israel and follow their example. “Instead of looking for terrorists, we’re looking for weapons. It’s an ill-advised approach that hurts citizens.”

6.  He was unafraid and stood up to protect our efforts for energy independence in America, at a time when the administration was fiercely undermining America’s efforts.

Authored an amicus brief on behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and a diverse coalition of 29 Gulf Coast chambers of commerce and industry groups in Hornbeck Offshore Services v. Salazar, in opposition to the Obama Interior Department’s moratorium on offshore exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. One week later, the Fifth Circuit agreed, and ruled against the moratorium.

7.  Reinforced the words: “All men are created equal” as written in the Declaration of Independence.  There is no place for hate or bigotry in America.

Ted authored a U.S. Supreme Court amicus brief on behalf of 10 states in Rahn v. Robb, urging the Supreme Court to grant certiorari and reverse a decision of the Eight Circuit allowing the Ku Klux Klan to participate in Kansas’s “Adopt-A-Highway” program.

8.  Ted Cruz signed the Contract from America.

The Contract from America, clause 4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform:  Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words–the length of the original Constitution.

9.  Mr. Cruz took a definite stand on Border Security.

He has worked on efforts to increase penalties for felons who enter the country illegally.  Ted authored a U.S. Supreme Court amicus brief on behalf of 10 states in Lopez v. Gonzales, urging the strictest enforcement of laws punishing those with prior felony convictions who entered the country illegally.

10.  He is an independent warrior on a mission to defend the country.  Ted Cruz is not in the pocket of big lobbyists and special interest groups.

Having met and spoken with Mr. Cruz on multiple occasions, prior to his campaign, I can assure you of one thing.  No one is more passionate or driven to defend America’s constitution.  There are many more illustrations of his commitment and efforts on behalf of our constitution and liberty.  In fact, there were too many for one article.

What can you do to help?

If you are in Texas:   I urge each of you to vote.  Early voting begins July 23.  Election Day is on July 31.

If you are in other states:  Fight to take back the Senate.  Go to www.tedcruz.org and help to call and get out the vote!

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USA Elections: Country Club Politicians vs Constitutional Conservatives!

Posted on July 9, 2012. Filed under: 2012, Conservative, government, Politics, Republican, Texas, US Senate | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Yes, America has arrived at multiple crossroads in this election year.

First, we have the frontline battle in Washington to save our constitution.  Of equal importance, there is a monumental effort to shore up a flagging economy.  This is the first of two articles examining those two crossroads.

There are those who would have you believe the constitution is a living document.  This document was debated, discussed, and approved many years ago as the framework for a free country.  Learned scholars had reviewed and analyzed the pros and cons of every word and syllable of this document.  The US Constitution has stood us in good stead and continues to provide our path through the turbulent times in the world today.

Why is America’s Constitution under attack?  The Democrat Party has been infiltrated and monopolized by Socialists and Marxists in Washington.  There is no mistake.  These groups would have you believe that the great American “experiment” has failed and a change needs to be made.  Because of this change in the Democrat Party (actual leadership in control), the required shift in the Republican party is more urgently needed by the country.

The actual job description in the United States for a politician,  now “mandates” a requirement for Constitutional Conservatives (if our American way of life is to be preserved).  The actions of the “Country Club” Republicans of yesterday will not steer the country back toward the vision of the original founders.  Country Club Republicans need not apply.  The candidates for the US Senate over the last few decades were typically a person who takes office, spent the majority of their life in office, and accumulated various perks and privileges distributed by lobbyists and special interest groups.  In prior years, there wasn’t much harm with these types of people holding office.  Today the heart and soul of America are at stake.  We must elect those who are willing to stand up and fight for our constitution.

There are many such examples of this “war” in the Republican Party being played out today.  In Texas, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst is challenging Mr. Ted Cruz for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Mrs. Kay Bailey Hutchinson.  Lt. Governor Dewhurst and Mr. Cruz have devoted many years of service to our country.  This is where the similarity ends.  Being an independent writer, I’ve had the opportunity to observe the leadership of Lt. Governor Dewhurst in the Texas Senate.  He is a moderate, who is reluctant to tackle tough, constitutional issues.  Unfortunately, this is exactly the job description required to take our country back from the sharp swing left toward a more socialist society.  The Lt. Governor’s strong supporters include the majority of  high profile lobbyists in Texas and “squishy” Republicans in the Texas legislature and in Washington.   I appreciate people who give to the country, but believe the age of the Country Club Republicans who hold court must necessarily end.

A man who will listen to the people and defend our liberty.

Enter Mr. Ted Cruz.  He is a Constitutional Conservative.  Mike Lee and Rand Paul are Constitutional Conservatives who were elected to the U.S. Senate in the last few years.  They are among a handful of new U.S. Senators who endeavor daily to defend the Constitution from the sharp tug to the left by socialists such as Senator Harry Reid and his cronies.   Mr. Cruz has successfully defended the United States Constitution at the state, and national level.  He has fought for US Sovereignty against a world court and the President of the United States.  The time has come for Texas to send in more cavalry for Senator Mike Lee, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Pat Toomey, and other strong constitutionalists such as Senator Jim DeMint.   These men are unafraid to make the difficult choices and are not ruled by special interests or lobbyists.

From local level through the highest national levels, we see the fight for true Constitutional Conservatism against political cronyism.  Witness the HD 26 race in Fort Bend County Texas.  Mrs. Jacquie Chaumette is another person, unafraid to make strong intelligent choices to protect citizens of Texas.  Her opponent is supported by many of the Country Club Republicans who have made a career and fortune by being “popular” with special interest groups and big lobbyists in Texas.   Mrs. Chaumette has served in positions that afforded her the opportunity to make strong fiscal choices based upon the laws of our state and our country.   She is definitely part of the breath of fresh air surging forward in American Politics.

So, the choice is yours.  Do you continue to elect career politicians who bend to the whims of lobbyists and special interest groups?  OR, do you elect new people who are not under the control of those groups?  Have a look at the supporters of people, prior to voting.   We need people with a strong ability to stand up for the people, not the special interest groups.

Constitutional Conservatives are the prescription required for an ailing country.  Elect them at all levels of government.

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.”

Patrick Henry

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An Evening with Herman Cain and Ted Cruz

Posted on April 11, 2011. Filed under: Conservative, government, Politics | Tags: , , , , , |

The Bay Area Republican Club sponsored an event recently, that stood out as a most exceptional evening.  The gala was the annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner for the bay area.  The speakers were outstanding.  The food, and camaderie was equally enjoyable.   This shall be one of my most memorable events of the year.

Where to begin? Mr. Ted Cruz began the evening, by telling us what he stood for as a US Senatorial Candidate.  He had previously served as the Solicitor General of Texas.  On several occasions, Mr. Cruz has successfully argued cases before the US Supreme Court.  This is quite the accomplishment.   Ted Cruz gave a very apropo piece of advice for all Americans.  Look at each candidate’s accomplishments to date.  Don’t be misled by campaign rhetoric with no substantive experience to be seen.  The depth of experience by Mr. Cruz more than qualifies him for the job of the US Senate.  The challenge will be that there are so many highly qualified, strong conservatives competing for the job.

Herman Cain, was a delight, as always.  Mr. Cain has formed an exploratory commmittee and is considering a run for President of the United States.  His experience and competence are well known in many circles.  Herman Cain is an author, speaker, radio talk show host, and former CEO in business.  He speaks from the heart, and has a gift for “connecting” to the audience.  More than that, he reflects the positive attitude of Americans that have worked hard and achieved the American Dream. 

It never crossed his mind to run for President, until he experienced this administration’s lack of leadership. He is not a professional politician. His background includes being a CEO faced with turning a company around, when it was near bankruptcy.   Pillsbury employed Mr. Cain.    Because he was good at his job, they asked him to take on the task of the Godfather Pizza Division.  It was common knowledge the division was near the end, due to fiscal issues.  Mr. Cain’s leadership and hard choices put the division in the black, improved morale, and made a profit.  He understands fiscal responsibility at all levels.

The personal story he shared of the birth of his granddaughter was moving.  This is why he wants to run for President.  He has been married for 40 years, has two adult children, and three grandchildren.  All people should have the ability to chase whatever their personal American dream, whatever it may be.  America is an exceptional place.  Of that, Mr. Cain was absolutely certain.  It is up to us to maintain that exceptionalism for all future generations. 

He gave a brochure with his positions on the various issues.  The information is in depth and will be covered in my upcoming review of potential Presidential candidates.  Trust me when I say, he included more information and insights on current challenges facing our government, than the majority of the candidates!  The most important thing to me personally, was a statement in the booklet that reflects his personal beliefs and ideals.  Too many times, we have seen politicians having no moral foundation, that are similar to a rudderless boat.  They go nowhere.

The final statement in his information booklet:  We are free because “In God Is our Trust”

Thanks to the Bay Area Republicans for a fine evening.  You can find out more about their group here: http://www.barw.org/    

There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers.  We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.

Ronald Reagan

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